Lakeview Transportation System Plan Update
A Draft Lakeview Transportation System Plan is available for review! Find the document HERE.
Welcome to the project website for the Town of Lakeview Transportation System Plan (TSP) Update!
What is a TSP?
A Transportation System Plan is a long-range planning document for Lakeview, shaped by community input and adopted into the Comprehensive Plan, that describes the town's transportation system and details projects, programs, and policies to meet transportation needs now and in the future. This long-range planning document helps the Town improve and expand it's transportation system to support existing users and future growth.
What Will the TSP Accomplish?
This project will:
- Identify goals, policies, and strategies to facilitate a safe, efficient, well-connected transportation network in the Town of Lakeview.
- Incorporate all forms of travel including automobiles, walking, cycling, and transit.
- Serve the needs of residents and businesses for the next 20 years.
Your perspectives and input are an important element of this update.
Does Lakeview Currently Have a TSP?
The current Town of Lakeview TSP was adopted in 2001. Since that time, Lakeview’s sawmill-oriented community and associated uses of its transportation system have shifted to newly established industries with new transportation needs. Changes in state, regional, and local plans and regulations have also occurred. This project will update the current TSP to reflect the changes that have occurred since 2001 and anticipate the changes that will take place over the next 20 years.
Opportunities to be Involved
The project team has hosted two virtual public open houses at key points in the TSP update process:
- The first open house was held in Winter 2020 to present findings on how the Town's transportation system performs today and over the next 20 years and to get input on any additional needs.
- The second open house was held in Spring 2021 to present possible solutions to those needs and collect public feedback.
See the results of the latest open house HERE (check back to this same page soon to see how your input was incorporated into the Draft TSP).
Please click HERE to sign up for updates on upcoming events and to review material as it becomes available.
Photo Credit (Left to Right): Red Rock Biofuels; Gary Halvorson, Oregon State Archives; Gary Halvorson, Oregon State Archives; Orygun - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0; and Outback Assembly of God